Please join us at the
2024 Pastorate Mass & Picnic
Sunday, August 18
Mass at 11 am EST / 10 am CST
Benton Central High School
4241 E. 300 S.
Oxford, IN 47971
Immediately following the Mass, a picnic luncheon will be held in the cafeteria. Grilled hamburgers and hot dogs, smoked pork, potato salad, baked beans, Cole slaw, and beverages will be provided for the meal. Life Teen students will give a short presentation about their experiences at Catholic Heart Work Camp in July followed by fun activities for all ages!
No Carry-In Side Dishes This Year!
We will have a sign-up for dessert donations.
The Saturday Vigil Mass at St. Joseph Kentland will be offered on August 17, but the 7:30 am Sunday Mass at St. Patrick will not be offered.
Parking is available in the front lot off E. 300 S. and to the south of the school. Entrances will be open at Doors 1, 2, and 9 (see map below). There will be at least one golf cart available near the Door 9 entrance for those desiring assistance. Handicap spots will be available between Doors 1 and 2.
RSVP for the 2024 Pastorate Mass and Picnic
Tables for volunteer sign up, dessert donations, and RSVP’s will be set up after all Masses the weekends of July 21 & 28 and Aug. 4. You may also RSVP using the form below or calling Deb Wallpe at 765-414-2012.