Parish missions are an opportunity for one to grow in their knowledge and love of God and to actively live their faith. A parish mission draws people together to hear a themed message of Jesus Christ and His Church. We are in the midst of a Eucharistic Revival in the United States. I am excited to have Fr. Declan McNicholas to present our Pastorate Mission centered on our Eucharistic Lord, Jesus Christ.
These talks will be: Sunday, February 11, Monday, February 12 and Tuesday, February 13 at Sacred Heart Church in Fowler. Before each talk a meal will be provided for you and your family! The themes of Fr. Declan’s talks are:
1.Sunday, February 11: Eucharist as Discipleship (as seen through the lens of Holy Thursday)
A. Jesus give himself for all
2. Monday, February 12: Eucharist for EvangelizaƟon (as seen through the lens of Good
A, Highlight the soldier that stabbed Jesus' side and proclaims that he is the Lord.
3. Tuesday, February 13: Eucharist on Mission (Easter Sunday)
A. The work is not finished
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament with Benediction
will be during Fr. Declan’s talks