The purpose of this pastorate ministry is to provide opportunities for all parishioners to learn more about the Catholic Faith. This ministry includes the educational programs for RCIA, Elementary Religious Education, Jr. High EDGE, and High School LIFE TEEN, as well as Vacation Bible School, Adult Bible Study, and Symbolon. This ministry works directly with the Director of Evangelization. The various programs require participants and volunteers. This ministry is open to anyone within the pastorate who has an interest in leading or learning.
Bridget Schlebecker
Director of Evangelization
[email protected]
Adult Catechetical Exploration
This is an open forum for honest conversations about the faith. It meets on Wednesday evenings, coinciding with Religious Education, from 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm in Sacred Heart School.
Bible Study
There are various opportunities for Bible study. One, is presented by Fr. Weisenberger after mass the first two Sundays of the month at St. Charles, Otterbein and St. Joseph, Kentland. The other is presented by the Evangelization Team and varies according to a specific program or book of the Bible.
The volunteer catechist is one who receives and responds to the call of Jesus Christ to share the light of faith with others. This program is designed to provide for the catechist’s own spiritual growth; to increase the theological knowledge out of which one catechizes; and to expand skills in teaching methods. This formation is offered once a year in August. Individuals are needed for grades K-8.
Elementary Religious Education / EDGE
This program is specifically designed to teach Catholic Catechism and the life of the Faith to children in grades K - 8 who are attending a non-Catholic school. Classes are currently held in Sacred Heart School on Wednesday evenings from 7:00-8:00 pm during the academic year. Parents interested in enrolling their child(ren) in the program should visit the Pastorate website at www. https://swnewtonbentoncopastorate.org/ to register on-line. This ministry requires volunteer Catechists to teach children about the Catholic faith, utilizing the resources and training provided by the Director of Evangelization.
Lenten Book Club
This program is designed to provide a faith-enriching forum for reflection during the weeks of Lent. A different book is used each year. The group meets once a week during Lent.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
This process is specifically designed to instruct those who are interested in becoming Catholic or learning more about their Catholic faith.
Seniors with SASS (Spirituality and Sacred Scripture)
An older adult group for anyone over 60 who wishes to explore various practices designed to enrich personal spirituality and understanding of Sacred Scripture. Sessions are held the second Tuesday of the month in St. John Hall, Earl Park, from 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm.
St. Nicholas Party
This program is designed to teach children about St. Nicholas and the true “Father Christmas” annually on or around December 6th. Children of all ages and parents are invited to participate in crafts, cookie decorating, and various activities that revolve around the life of St. Nicholas. Volunteers are always needed to assist in the set-up and direction in the crafts and activities.
Vacation Bible School
This program is designed to teach children, in grades K through 6th grade, about new aspects of our Catholic and Christian faith. Children share in song and praise, arts and crafts, snacks and play. The program is held one week during summer vacation. Volunteers are needed for the planning committee, as well as to serve as leaders and assistants in the areas of worship, crafts, recreation, and snacks.
Young Adults
The Young Adult group is open to all those in the pastorate who are between the ages of 18-40.
This group allows young adults ways to connect with their peers while growing in their love of God and living out the Gospel message through social, spiritual and service opportunities within the pastorate and Diocesan area.
Contact: Monica Lohmuller
Youth Ministry Coordinator
765-430-2117 [email protected]
Life Teen Core Team
Adults are needed to assist in the planning, promotion and teaching of various catechetical and morality topics specifically geared toward high-school teens. Enthusiasm for the faith is required.
Life Teen
Life Teen is a movement within the Roman Catholic Church, that leads teenagers and their families into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church. It is designed to strengthen the teens' Catholic identity, while rooting them firmly in Christ and in His Church. All high school teens are invited to share in the opportunities to make friends and have fun while developing a personal relationship with Jesus on Sunday evenings in Sacred Heart School at 7:00pm If your teen is interested in joining this group, visit the Pastorate website at www. https://swnewtonbentoncopastorate.org/ to register your child(ren) on-line.